one small step



If you haven’t heard, there is a mental health crisis in the U.S. Mental illness encompasses depression, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, addiction, anxiety, just to name a few. You may struggle with one of these or know someone who does – even if they hide it. And as difficult as it may be to get medical treatment today, it is even worse to try to get mental health treatment. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

As someone who struggles with this myself, I’m hopeful and saddened to hear talk about it. I’m hopeful because it helps to raise the awareness that this is a real illness.

even on a good day

Your brain is an organ in your body and just like any organ, it can stop working properly. This is a concept that isn’t easily understood, especially when it comes to thoughts. This is true even for me. But just like it controls your body's movements, your brain controls your thoughts. And sometimes your brain is out of whack.

I’m also saddened when I hear more talk about depression because many times it comes in the wake of a famous person succumbing to the illness. And I’ll be honest, when I hear of celebrity who dies by suicide, my first thought is “if <insert famous name here> couldn’t survive with all their resources, what’s my chance of surviving this?”

inside my head

I don’t know the answer to that question. I just know that in the midst of an episode, my brain lies to me and tells me “it’s hopeless”, “you’ll feel like this forever”, “even if you get better, it will come back even worse”. And the most disheartening lie is “what’s the point of going on?” If you’ve never experienced this, it can be really hard to understand the enormity of


these thoughts. It doesn’t matter what you have or who you have, the thoughts still creep in. I've used the phrase “your brain lies to you” before, so when Ashley Judd used similar language to describe what was going on with her mother Naomi, I could completely relate.

I’m writing this today in a good state of mind. But 2 weeks ago, those lies were in creeping into my head … again. It wasn’t the worst it's ever been, but it was my darkness telling me “you’ll never escape me.” So, I’m telling you about this again. And I'll keep telling you so you recognize it and hopefully understand, even just a little bit better. I'll tell you so that if you are struggling, you know there are people who love you, and that you are not alone. And I'll keep telling you so that you know someone struggling, you will understand a little better and not judge them … but be there when they need it … and always. I’m also hoping you will take some action.


Now the ask …
As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, I’m to asking you do do something. Take some action, no matter how small.

Maybe you have a conversation with a friend or loved one who suffers from mental illness to learn more about what they go through.

Maybe you check in on someone that has isolated themselves recently. If you are the one who suffers, maybe you start a conversation with a close ally.

just be here

Maybe you come up with a ‘code’ to let your family know when you aren’t in the state of mind to explain what’s going on. Something like ‘hiccup’ or ‘glimpse’. (I used a random word generator to get these … and yes, there is a random word generator!) It doesn’t matter what the word is. Maybe it’s numbers, like ‘999’. Whatever it is, it might be easier to text the word ‘hiccup’ than ‘I need you because my brain is lying to me and I’m in the dark place again.” You get the idea.

Maybe you learn more about the diseases by reading about it online.

Every small step is a step in the right direction. And I'm always amazed at how far my small steps will actually carry me.

If you’ve been following my art, you may know that a few years ago, I created a series of sculpture and prose based on my own experiences with depression. I’ve reposted the collection on my website. Take a look. I’ve been told it does a good job at expressing what others experience too. If something speaks to you, I’d love to hear about how and why. Please send me an email.

For the first time, I’ve made images of the artwork available as acrylic wall prints and the book when darkness comes available as a digital download. Please go to my website for more information. In support of Mental Health Awareness, for each item purchased (print, book, original art) through June 30, 2022, I will donate $10 to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (

If you are still reading this, thank you. I appreciate you being here. This is a tough but important topic that's deeply personal to me. That said, I am working to release some new art this summer. And this is very exciting for me! I hope it will be for you too. Here's another peak.

Thanks again for listening, and please, take one small step …
💗 Angela