welcome to my world

For the last few months, I've been working on a really big project, so I haven’t had many completed pieces of art to show you.

Instead, I thought I'd take you into my working world ... my studio ... so you can see where I work and what I'm working on.

I usually create my artwork in 2 phases:  the metal work phase and the finish painting phase.  The metal work phase is done in my metal shop studio in Uptown Village in Vancouver, Washington. Then, I usually do the painting phase at my home studio in Washougal, Washington.  My home studio is nothing fancy ... a place to paint, a place for storage, a place for my computer and office supplies.

So, welcome to my metal studio...


A big part of my work revolves around safety and protective clothing.  Here I am with my leather sleeves, respirator, and welding mask.  I probably have ear plugs in too.  So please, don't walk up on me while I am welding!

As a special treat, I have created a guided tour of my studio ... click here to watch my video tour.

At any point in time, I usually have 4-6 projects in some state of progress.  Usually, these are in my studio and I break up my time working on them...

I also have lots of raw material in my studio.  Some of it is there because I want it close at hand for what I’m doing.  Some of it I put in front of me so I see it over and over until I come up with an idea for that piece of art...

And then there is equipment, storage, and work surfaces...

All in all, it is a great little studio. I stuff a lot in a small space ... but thank goodness I have some overflow storage in a container out back.  I am happy here and am loving creating in my space.

I'd love for you to visit sometime.  Let me know if you are in the Vancouver area and would like to come by.  I'd be delighted to show you around!  Email me:  Angela@AngelaRidgway.com.

Click here to view more of my art at www.AngelaRidgway.com.

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